Howard Rosenkrantz


Mr. Rosenkrantz brings more than two decades of experience in forensic accounting investigations, controls & compliance, dispute consulting and intellectual property engagements.

Howard Rosenkrantz provides forensic accounting expertise to companies, counsel, and audit committees involved in complex financial and accounting issues, such as revenue recognition, earnings management, fraud, internal control and disclosures issues, commercial damages, audit malpractice and other financial reporting irregularities. He has extensive experience working with companies facing regulatory action including the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Department of Justice (DOJ).

In addition to his investigative experience, Mr. Rosenkrantz has analyzed damages claims in litigation matters involving breach of contract, patent infringement, and copyright and trademark infringement. He has addressed issues such as lost profits, reasonable royalties, disgorgement of infringer’s profits, breach of contract claims and pre-judgment interest.

Mr. Rosenkrantz has worked with clients across a range of industries including financial services, healthcare, insurance, manufacturing, professional sports, real estate, retail & consumer goods, technology, and telecommunications.

Before joining Secretariat, Mr. Rosenkrantz served in the forensic and litigation services practices of several global professional services firms.

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