Advising in the Complex Worlds of Telecommunication & Energy
Regulatory issues requiring economic analysis arise daily in the context of legislation, rule-making, enforcement, antitrust cases, rate proceedings, and telecommunications spectrum auctions. Our experts and economists advise private parties seeking to navigate complicated regulations, study the effects of regulations, participate in writing comments in response to proposed rule-making, and on many occasions testify concerning regulatory issues.
Our economists have significant expertise in telecommunications auction strategy, having advised participants in more than 60 high-stakes auctions in the telecommunications space. Relevant auction designs include SMRA, CCA, uniform-price clock, sealed-bid, auctions with resale or exchange, and descending price auctions for subsidized coverage. Our economists have also developed commercial-grade software that we use to train parties interested in understanding different auction designs or the advantages and disadvantages of particular strategies applied to one auction design.
Our experts also have significant energy-industry experience and expertise, including familiarity with the overarching regulatory framework, the functioning of regional transmission markets, and price-formation mechanisms, as well as the risks and challenges facing the industry going forward. Participants in the electric power industry have used our economists to assist them in their evaluation and analyses of industry restructuring, regulatory reform, rate setting, alleged market manipulation, and litigation claims in electricity, natural gas, and petroleum.