Tristan Yount, PhD


Dr. Yount applies his robust background in structural engineering to solve complex problems involving fracture, fatigue, corrosion, and wear of materials in large construction projects and industrial facilities. He specializes in assessing the acceptability of weld flaws in accordance with relevant standards, the design and execution of weldments, and evaluating non-destructive weld examination techniques.

​​Dr. Yount applies his robust background in structural engineering to solve complex technical problems involving fracture, fatigue, corrosion, and wear of materials in large construction projects and industrial facilities.

​Dr. Yount has expertise in collaborating with multidisciplinary teams to analyze engineering problems across a broad range of industries. He has investigated a variety of components, from large, one-of-a-kind structures to everyday consumer products. He specializes in assessing the acceptability of weld flaws in accordance with relevant standards, the design and execution of weldments, and evaluating non-destructive weld examination techniques. He also has hands-on experience with fractographic examination and the design of steel-framed structures.

​Dr. Yount has experience with the interpretation and application of industry standards and codes related to welding, including AWS D1.1, API 579, BS 7910, and various ISO standards. This knowledge enables Dr. Yount to opine on the degree to which weld design and execution may or may not contribute to the failure of a component or structure.

​Before joining Secretariat, Dr. Yount was an Associate at a large engineering and scientific consulting firm. Before that, Dr. Yount held an academic appointment in the Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering Department at the University of Kansas, where he taught the course HVAC&R Systems Design.

​As a graduate student, Dr. Yount’s research focused on fracture toughness characterization of welded highway bridge steels. The test program, which featured one of the largest cleavage fracture databases assembled, enabled Dr. Yount to examine the interactive effects that steel chemistry and weld process variables have on the mechanical properties of the weld and surrounding heat-affected zone. Through this work, he gained specialized knowledge of the fracture behavior of welded steels.​

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