Travis Taylor

Managing Director

Mr. Taylor is a valuation specialist with significant experience in assessing damages and evaluating value in international arbitration and commercial litigation. He is regularly appointed as an expert in valuation and quantum of loss assessments in complex matters, including shareholder and post-transaction disputes, contractual disputes, and fraud investigations.

Travis Taylor is a valuation specialist with significant experience in assessing damages and evaluating value in international arbitration and commercial litigation. He is regularly appointed as an expert in valuation and quantum of loss assessments in complex matters, including shareholder and post-transaction disputes, contractual disputes, and fraud investigations.

Mr. Taylor has provided expert testimony under ICSID, ICC, HKIAC, UNCITRAL, SIAC, SCC, and LMAA rules. In addition, he has testified before the U.K. High Court, where one Justice remarked:

“Mr Travis Taylor was the Claimants’ expert on valuation. Mr Taylor was a sensible, composed, and resilient witness who stood up to the demands of a lengthy and focussed cross-examination well. He was scrupulous to express himself with clarity in an area which is not necessarily instinctive to the judicial mind. He took challenges firmly but in very good part conceding ground where he thought it appropriate to do so. In large measure he was an impressive witness.”

In his career, Mr. Taylor has prepared more than 300 substantive valuations for contentious and non-contentious matters in the United Kingdom, Europe, the Middle East, Russia/CIS, Africa, North America, and Australasia. His valuation experience spans most industries, including energy, mining, financial services, real estate, aviation, shipping, and manufacturing.

Who’s Who Legal recognizes Mr. Taylor as a “Global Leader” for “Arbitration Expert Witnesses 2022”, “Commercial Litigation – Expert Witnesses 2021”, and “Experts – Financial Advisory and Valuation – Quantum of Damages 2021”. According to the publication, “Travis Taylor draws high praise from sources:’

“He was very clear in his opinions and very robust in his defence of them.”

“Travis stands out for his responsiveness, creative thinking, and immediate grasp of the issues and thorough understanding of the overall case”

“He has an excellent understanding of cases and is a true pleasure to work with”

“He is a true asset to have on one’s team”

Before joining Secretariat, Mr. Taylor was responsible for the U.K. operations of Versant Partners, providing clients with valuable insight into financial, accounting, and economic issues in complex high-stakes disputes. Before Versant, he was responsible for the international arbitration practice in the U.K. for an NYSE-listed consultancy company.

Mr. Taylor regularly speaks on issues of valuation and damages.

“Travis stands out for his responsiveness, creative thinking, and immediate grasp of the issues and thorough understanding of the overall case”

Who’s Who Legal



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