Richard Pratt

Associate Director

Mr. Pratt has more than 40 years of experience in the construction industry on a wide range of international civil engineering, building, M&E, and process plant projects.

Richard Pratt has more than 40 years of experience in the construction industry on a wide range of international civil engineering, building, M&E, and process plant projects. 

Mr. Pratt has worked with consultants and contractors worldwide regarding contract and commercial management of projects. His knowledge and experience have provided practical advice and an analytical approach to each situation he encounters. His experience also includes preparing and reviewing schedules and analyses relating to delay, disruption, productivity, time impacts, acceleration, and other project management and dispute issues.

Additionally, he has 15 years of experience preparing expert reports, formulating complex contractual and technical arguments, evaluating quantum assessment of risk and liabilities for damages, preparing and assessing claims (cost and time), and tender and post-contract administration.

Before working internationally, Mr. Pratt was based in the U.K. and employed by a number of respected building contractors, where his responsibilities included the supervision and preparation of tenders and contract negotiations on numerous projects.

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