Nathan Mather, PhD


Dr. Mather is an economist with expertise in public finance, policy evaluation, applied microeconomics, and education.

Much of Dr. Mather’s research focuses on using new approaches to measure economic concepts and evaluate policy outcomes. In one paper, Dr. Mather explores how the average value placed on money changes over income levels. Using new survey data on pain, Dr. Mather shows that the amount people will pay for the same experience or benefit does not significantly increase on average across income. In another paper, Dr. Mather uses data from the San Diego Unified School district to show that measuring a teacher’s average impact on a class does not give the full picture. Using a more detailed analysis shows that some teachers are better suited for classes with more high or low scoring students. Using teacher class assignment as a benchmark, this more detailed analysis can lead to higher average test scores across the district as well as give policymakers more control over the distribution of those test score gains.

Before joining Secretariat, Dr. Mather worked as a research analyst at Education Analytics, a non-profit that uses data and analytics to improve outcomes for students in the education system.

Dr. Mather earned his Ph.D. in Economics from The University of Michigan where he worked as a graduate student instructor for the department of economics and a research analyst for the Education Policy Initiative.

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