Gina Leung


Ms. Leung is a U.K. trained and qualified Chartered Surveyor and Chartered Builder. She has more than 20 years of experience in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong construction industry, supplemented by several short-term overseas secondments.

Gina Leung is a U.K. trained and qualified Chartered Surveyor and Chartered Builder. She has more than 20 years of experience in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong construction industry, supplemented by several shortterm overseas secondments.

As a lead assistant, Ms. Leung regularly supports the quantum expert in international arbitration and mediation for large-scale construction projects. Her responsibilities include preparing quantum expert reports, liaising with technical and delay experts, preparing joint statements, and producing cross-examination bundles, and more. Her work spans various projects: airports, infrastructure, highways, and LNG facilities in the oil & gas sector. 

Before working in dispute resolution, Ms. Leung was a U.K. contract due diligence advisor for banks financing largescale commercial projects.  

She also worked as whole life cost advisor on U.K. Private Finance Initiative (PFI) projects for Her Majesty’s Treasury, Transport for London, and the Ministry of Defence. 

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