Eric Guyer, PhD, PE

Managing Director

As a licensed Professional Engineer, Dr. Guyer investigates and solves complex multidisciplinary engineering and scientific problems involving the fracture, fatigue, corrosion, and wear of materials related to root cause analyses and product recalls.

Dr. Guyer brings more than 20 years of experience as one of the most respected and trusted experts in solving complex multidisciplinary problems in product failure analysis and investigations. He is sought out as both a consultant to analyze the root causes of product fracture, fatigue, corrosion, as well as an expert witness in high-stakes litigation.

Dr. Guyer has carried out hundreds of failure analysis investigations and product evaluations of complex engineering structures and chemical processes spanning multiple industries. Examples include:

Automotive: Investigated mechanical performance of metal, plastic, and glass structures, evaluated coating degradation and corrosion, and also explored issues and performance of diesel exhaust after treatment systems (EATS) components like SCR catalysts, DPF’s, and AFI’s.

Medical Devices: Investigated performance of a variety of devices including orthopedics, cardiovascular, active implantables, and drug delivery systems.

Consumer Products: Examined a range of performance issues including water ingress, over-heating events, and explosions (including from various types of firearms).

Industrial and Construction Products & Systems: Evaluated issues associated with Insulating glass units (IGUs), low-e coatings, sealants, boiler welds and tubing fractures, turbine coatings, as well as a variety of other pressure vessels, fire protection and plumbing components. With respect to paint and protective-coating systems; he has developed coating specifications and conducted a myriad of failure analysis investigations into delamination, cracking, blistering, chalking, discoloration, mildew and efflorescence.

Dr. Guyer previously held two academic appointments: one in the Materials Science and Engineering Department at Stanford University where he taught the course Failure Analysis of Emerging Technologies and the other in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Santa Clara University where he taught the course Fracture and Fatigue of Materials.

Before joining Secretariat, Dr. Guyer was a Group Vice President for US, Asia, and London Offices and Principal Engineer with a large engineering and scientific consulting firm. Earlier in his career he was employed as a Senior Materials Engineer at Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Technology Center. His research involved the oxidation kinetics of advanced high temperature ceramics as well as the fracture, mechanical and optical properties of polymer thin-films. As an undergraduate, Dr. Guyer was employed by the Dow Chemical Corporation where he examined the mechanisms of controlled drug delivery in biodegradable, pharmaceutical grade polymers.

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