Edward Hearn, PhD


Dr. Hearn’s expertise encompasses econometrics, labor and industrial policy, firm behavior, technology, and pricing strategy. He has served both as an economist and data scientist at financial, banking, insurance, legal consulting, and non-profit organizations.

Edward Hearn’s expertise encompasses econometrics, labor and industrial policy, firm behavior, technology, and pricing strategy. He has served both as an economist and data scientist at financial, banking, insurance, legal consulting, and non-profit organizations.

Dr. Hearn’s work focuses on the impact of technological and workforce development on wages, pricing, and firm behavior within and across industries. In a recent project, he estimated price elasticities of demand for non-traditional insurance contracts and warranties.

In addition to his professional work, Dr. Hearn writes a bi-monthly blog at BuiltIn.com that explores topics at the convergence of technological progress, big data, and economic inference.

Before joining Secretariat, Dr. Hearn was an economist at Intensity.

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