Chris Richardson

Managing Director

Mr. Richardson is a forensic accounting and internal investigation expert leading engagements in the UK, USA, Canada and more globally for over 25 years. He helps clients through complex matters requiring deep understanding of critical business drivers and risks across multiple markets and industries.

Chris Richardson is a forensic accounting and internal investigation expert leading engagements in the UK, USA, Canada and more globally for over 25 years. He helps clients through complex matters requiring deep understanding of critical business drivers and risks across multiple markets and industries.

He has led investigations into financial misrepresentation, corporate governance and oversight, anti-bribery & corruption, ESG with significant international experience across the UK, USA, Europe, Canada, PRC, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and Africa within construction & infrastructure, government, technology, retail/manufacturing/automotive, aviation, media and telecommunications, mining & energy.

He delivers engagements that provide greater transparency and insights by leveraging innovative technologies to deliver holistic solutions minimising downtime and resulting impacts on operations, reputation, and public interest/stakeholder value.

Mr. Richardson is driven by inquisitiveness, need for greater transparency and accountability, unlocking data and AI/ machine learning for real time reporting to provide better forecasting, monitoring and market trending.

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