Ryan Sullivan named “Patent 1000 Recommended Expert” for fourth consecutive year
Intensity joined Secretariat on February 1, 2023.
Ryan Sullivan was recognized for the fourth straight year as a top U.S. economic expert, in the 2017 edition of Intellectual Asset Management’s IAM Patent 1000: The World’s Leading Patent Practitioners 2017.
The IAM Patent 1000 identifies the leading technical and economic experts from around the world. According to Nicholas Richardson, research editor on the IAM Patent 1000, “Patents have become essential business commodities, and knowing how to obtain, enforce and monetise them has become mission critical for companies in all industry sectors.” Further, “Private practitioners play a key role in developing and implementing patent strategies for clients in both local and global markets, as well as acting to protect clients’ rights in the event of infringement. The IAM Patent 1000 shines a spotlight on the firms and individuals that are deemed outstanding in this pivotal area of practice.”
According to IAM, “Intensity CEO Ryan Sullivan uses sophisticated economic models to solve the trickiest damages conundrums. The outstanding academician is celebrated for his creative but rigorous, data-driven approach and deep engagement with the questions at hand. He is called upon to testify in cases where billions are at stake.”
About the IAM Patent 1000
The IAM Patent 1000 is a standalone publication that identifies individual and firm expertise in all major areas of patent law and practice. Through an extensive research process conducted by a team of highly qualified, full-time analysts, the publication identifies the top patent practitioners, as well as leading patent law and attorney firms, in 41 of the world’s most important jurisdictions.